REPOST from former blog My Type 2 Diabetic Life ©
August 10, 2020
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Image: My Type 2 Diabetic Life © |
We have put our house on the market. Selling and buying a home is stressful to someone who’s in GREAT health. I don’t know anyone who’s sold a house for fun. Keeping everything in perfect order for showings, open houses, inspections, and a cornucopia of other “house selling” reasons is STRESSFUL.
Add to that mix Type 2 Diabetes, and everything can get out of whack. My blood sugars have been up, down, up, down. The stress is taking an emotional and physical toll on me, that’s for sure. There are times when I feel like I just can’t even breathe.
I’ve been working hard to find a balance between my eating healthy, but also keeping the kitchen clean and not making the house smell like I just cooked spaghetti or something. That’s really hard.
I’m not sleeping well at night. I find myself sleeping really hard for about 3 – 4 hours, then waking up around 1 – 2 am and not being able to go back to sleep because my mind is racing. Being a seller and a buyer at the same time, my mind is constantly racing with thoughts of what all I need to do the next day.
What appointments are there to keep for tomorrow? What tasks do I need to complete that day? Do I have enough boxes? What about packing material and packing tape? Which room should I tackle for packing tomorrow?
Millions of ideas and questions are popping up in my head 300 hours a day, every day. I need to figure out how I’m going to deal with my stress. Normally, I would work out for several hours, to relieve the stress – but even that workout time has been cut into.
I am praying a lot – talking to a few friends and family and asking for their prayers, as well. That helps to know that others are praying for me. My husband and I both have a deep faith in God and believe in the power of prayer. But we are also human, and it is in the human nature to feel stress at various levels.
Writing this blog is, to a small degree, a stress reliever for me. It helps me to see what is causing my stress, and what I can do to relieve some of it.
I also am trying to keep busy, so that my mind is not constantly occupied with real estate sales and purchases. Then there’s also my elderly mother that we have in a nearby assisted living center. That’s another different source of stress for me.
I’ve got a couple of blogs that I’m working on now, but they won’t be finished or published until we close on our current home and our new one.
One blog is about a low carb product that I’ve had an opportunity to try, and the other one is about an every day ingredient that I’ve recently read studies on that indicate it lowers triglycerides and blood sugar – I’m still researching this one before I finish and post.
So keep me in your prayers, that I am able to manage my stress so that my blood sugar will remain stable.
Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. I love to get comments and hear what you have to say, so feel free to leave me a comment below. I hope that you’ll subscribe – top right corner of the page if on a desktop, and bottom of the post if using a mobile device.
In the meantime, live well, and be well!
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links.
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