About Happiness Catching You

Welcome to Happiness Catching You, a blog that I hope will leave you feeling happy, amused, laughing, and in good spirits.

My name is Jan and I’m a retired school administrator and teacher.  I enjoy spending time with my husband, the grands, and our Shetland Sheepdogs.  Our kids are all grown and out of the house, so we are enjoying life as empty nesters.

My hope is that something in my blog posts will, in some way, make you feel happy & good about yourself.  I write about my everyday life — travels, family, friends, food, my grandchildren, my Shelties, and everyday happenings.  

In 2020, I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic.  I wasn't sure where that was going to lead me.  I started blogging about it, but now my blog has evolved to be about other things, as well.  You will find those original blogs listed as reposts.